Friday, June 20, 2008

Nuffnang wildlife blogging

Is this karma or something?
Arghhhhh!! I got the invite by Robb for the nuffnang wildlife blogging event. 2 tickets some more. But I can't go! Because parents being protective and all. Saying there's lots of adults going.

Quite true. I think.


There's a lot of people I know going too!
I can't go! T.T

I gave my ticket to Steph k. Hope you enjoy the event darling!

CLICK HERE for larger view.

Oh well, I'm sure there's other event waiting for me soon! >.<


Seizhin said...

Cherry's still underage?
Maybe Steph can think of a way to sneak you out from the windows at night.

Cherry said...

SeiZhin : haha. xP Maybe. But. sneaking me out but then later got caught? DIE LO!